Ratchet Deadlocked

May 17, 2006 at 9:13 am (Games, Play Station 2)

             Do you want a game that keeps you wanting to play it?  Do you want a game where you can choose what you do and when you do it?  If you answered yes to any of these questions you might want to play Ratchet Deadlocked.  It the latest instalment in the ratchet and clank series and it is awsome.  You get a lot of wepons and 2 floating robots to help you out.  The best weapon in my oponion is the twin vipers.  If you use them a lot you can upgrade them and they get really powerful.  Try this game.

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Battlefront 2 winning on Hoth

January 29, 2006 at 5:06 am (Computer, Games, Play Station 2)

      If your playing Battlefront 2 and want an easy way to beat Hoth here is an awsome technique.  When you first get started you choose the Rebels and go to base four.  Then, once at base 4, you get in a snow speeder  and head for the base that is farthest away and not under your control.  Capture this base.  After that I usually go back to base 3 and snipe at the people across the way.  You also need to keep the shield  generator from being destroyed.  If you see a walker heading toward the generator get in a turret (Hoth Dish Turret) and shoot at the walkers neck.  The neck is its weak point and will do the most damage.  Another thing I try to do is slice into one of the At-St’s(Chicken Walker) and crush my oponents.  One more thing, don’t lose Echo Base(4).  Hope it works.     

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Battlefront 2, Getting Blowen Up?

December 31, 2005 at 1:26 am (Computer, Games, Play Station 2)

      I got a comment asking about ways to avoid getting blowen up.  Well in the beggining of a level if your are going to try to take out enemy infantry I would pick the Clone trooper, the super battle droid, the stormtrooper, or the rebel trooper.  These units all have a rapid fire gun good for quickly eleminating infantry.  If you find a secluded spot away from the battle I would pick one of the sniper units.  One last tip, if you are playing as the Republic and you get enough points the best unit for killing infantry is the clone commander.  Even though you have to let the gun warm up for a second once it starts it is deadly.  I hope the tips help.

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Don’t Run Over Me!

December 30, 2005 at 5:30 am (Computer, Games, Play Station 2)

          I really hate it when I am playing Battlefront 2 and somebody just has to come along and run over me in one of those hailfire droids.  Do you know what I mean?  Another thing that stinks is when you spwan near an AT-At and it steps on you.  This is espically annoying when you are about to shoot player   2.  

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Racing Game

December 30, 2005 at 12:40 am (Games, Play Station 2)

    Jak X is an awsome racing game. It has many different weapons and tracks.  My favorite part is going on a banked corner while shooting at the person ahead of me.  Another fun aspect of the game is Death Match mode. In this mode you always have machine guns and there is no marked track.  If you like shooting and racing, this is the game for you.    

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Ratchet and Clank Up Your Arsenal

December 30, 2005 at 12:22 am (Games, Play Station 2)

   Do you want an action packed game that keeps you addicted?  than Ratchet and Clank Up Your Arsenal is the game for you.  I like to play 4 player and kick my friend’s butts.  My technique is to get in a hover ship and blow my friends up.  While doing this you must make sure your friends do not get a hover ship because they WILL BE MAD.  

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Cool game, Battlefront 2

December 29, 2005 at 11:32 pm (Computer, Games, Play Station 2)

    There are many video games I have played but some are better than others.  My favorite video game is Battlefront 2.  This game is different from the 1st Battlefront in many ways.  first of all you can play as a jedi.  If you enjoy playing as a jedi you can go to Mos Eisley and play in assult mode.  Here you can now be all the Heros or Villans.  As you can see, this is an awsome Star Wars game. 


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