Battlefront 2 winning on Hoth

January 29, 2006 at 5:06 am (Computer, Games, Play Station 2)

      If your playing Battlefront 2 and want an easy way to beat Hoth here is an awsome technique.  When you first get started you choose the Rebels and go to base four.  Then, once at base 4, you get in a snow speeder  and head for the base that is farthest away and not under your control.  Capture this base.  After that I usually go back to base 3 and snipe at the people across the way.  You also need to keep the shield  generator from being destroyed.  If you see a walker heading toward the generator get in a turret (Hoth Dish Turret) and shoot at the walkers neck.  The neck is its weak point and will do the most damage.  Another thing I try to do is slice into one of the At-St’s(Chicken Walker) and crush my oponents.  One more thing, don’t lose Echo Base(4).  Hope it works.     

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