The Red Baron

October 16, 2006 at 9:02 am (Uncategorized)

                 The Red Baron was a legendary aircraft piolet,  shooting eighty allied fighters down in world war one.  When he first joined the military, he joined the cavlery but they were not needed any more.  When he could not fight in the cavlery he took no more than a day of lessons in flying from his friend.  His first two victories were discredited because they landed behind enemy lines so they could not be confirmed.  Normally he flew a biplane partially painted red so his allies would not shoot him down accidently.  When the lower wings of his and another one of his squadmates plane fell off he called the disigner of the airplane down to the frontlines to watch them in action.  It was then when he saw the allied Sopwith Camles that he designed the red triplane the the Red Baron was best knowen for. 

                     The Red Baron suffered many injuries and mishaps while flying.  Once he was shot down and was back up flying in the same day.  Another time he was shot in the head.  He did not die but suffered severe headaches for the rest of his life.  He died at age twenty five when a bullet hit him from behind and went through his heart.  The Red Baron was considered by many the ace of aces.  He was a very honerable person.  Some sources say that one Christmas the pilots refused to fight and sang Christmas charols in their cockpits.

By the time of his death, the Red Baron had been through a lot.  He had been shot down by snoopy the peanuts character and was used as the name for a brand of pizza.  All in all he was a very animated figure in history all around the world.

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