Bodyworlds, where did the bodies come from?

May 30, 2006 at 8:44 am (Current Events)

      Bodyworlds is a famous tour traveling the U.S.  It shows real (dead) people with their skin peeled back so you can see the muscles, bones, and nerves but where did the bodies really come from.  There are rumors that the bodies where prisoners but the creator of the exhibits says that they were all body doners but will release thir names.        Despite this fact the exhibit is still really interesting.  There are 50 different parts showing the inside of the body.  It is all made possiable by a process where people extract air molecules from the specimens and replace them with plastic particles.  There are three traveling groups.  They are in Denver, Boston, and Huston.  If there is an exhibit near you it is really worth seeing. 

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