The history of chocolate

January 28, 2006 at 5:02 am (Uncategorized)

    Chocolate has a long history.  It was first discovered by the aztecs who drank it as a hot drink.  When Cortes came to the new world to take-over the aztecs he drank it and reconized its value.  He brought it back to Spain and the king decided to keep it a secret.  Finally after a few years some spanish monks told other countries cought on.  Now chocolate is a huge industry an is worth aproximately 50 billion dollers.  The main consumers are the people of the U.S.(Big Suprise)  I am doing a survey of favroite chocolates so please tell me yours.(white,dark,milk) 

1 Comment

  1. danjeffers said,

    I love the dark chocolate. Especially Dove chocolat, like they coat their ice cream with and such.

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